they’re family”



I was a senior creative officer and serial entrepreneur for over 25 years, contributing award-winning expertise in branding, event/entertainment production, and pop culture to companies and industries that everyone knows.

What everyone didn’t know was that I was suffering from over a decade of undiagnosed chronic illnesses and an inauthentic self. I was depressed and at times suicidal, all while struggling as a husband, father, and creative. It all came to an end with one last project that would “fix it all”. It didn’t. It just made it much worse. That led to separation from my family and near bankruptcy. At that point, I recognized my story of self harm and chasing illusory overnight success was becoming fatal.

Today, thanks to an abundance of love and grit, as well as a blend of traditional therapy, coaching, integrative medicine, and holistic lifestyle changes; I now live a happy balanced life with my wife/business partner, our two kids and the beloved chaos bundle of pets. Together we built the Cerebral Itch Creative Agency, a snarky boutique creative shop that crushed in its day.

I am also creator/host of the Smart Funny Tortured podcast which trends in the top 2.5% of Personal Journals on iTunes globally. Along with all of it, I also profoundly enjoy the privilege of teaching Social Entrepreneurship within the UNLV Lee Business School and volunteering as a certified crisis advocate at The Center - serving the LGBTQ community of Nevada.

Coaching played such an integral part in my redemption that it served as inspiration to become one and gave my story an accredited, evidence-based framework that could be adapted and empowers me to be of service to people I know, love and understand…the smart, funny and tortured.



  • Discovery

    I will listen. It sounds trite, but that is what you need right now: someone who is trained to listen using evidence-based approaches to understand, explore, and envision. Someone who is free of judgment or bias and excited to have you express yourself so you can hear your own words leave the place you’ve kept them for so long.

    It is from this space that the work begins. A collaboration in the building of your strongest foundation and most abundant life chapter.

  • Optimization

    I will ask questions. Through deeper inquiry surrounding your challenges and survival mechanisms, we will uncover elements of inner strength and potential. These positive elements start to become the lodestar for going in the direction of acknowledgment and awareness about what is your true essence.

    Just like an athlete practicing a swing or an actor rehearsing lines, we will examine and refine each element in preparation for integration into your daily life.

  • Realization

    "Amateurs talk about strategy, professionals talk about logistics." - Omar Bradley - World War II Army General and first Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

    That quote perfectly encapsulates what we’re going to do. From this space, we co-create the plans, and determine what is needed for your new foundation. I will hold you accountable. Self-help books and mercurial bouts of rigorous discipline fade. I will utilize a multitude of experiences and frameworks to make this transition feel authentic and above all, sustainable.


I work from the belief that the house that is your Life, rests on the the foundation that is your Essence. What that house looks like or the things that make it comfortable do not matter. If the ground it rests upon lacks structural integrity or stability, your house will eventually become uninhabitable.

It took me a half a century to realize that simple fact.

No seven-figure job, no insatiable lover, no body fat % was going to make my house better. I had to start with the foundation, the slab, the very base of my being that touched everything.

It is that belief system, that informs me and makes me the coach I am today.

“you can’t revise or discard what you don’t consciously recognize.”

— Verlyn Klinkenborg - Several short sentences about writing

Belief in oneself and knowing who you are, I mean, that's the foundation for everything great.
